miercuri, 3 decembrie 2008

Encyclopedia of Neuroscience

Editors:Marc D. Binder Department of Physiology & Biophysics
University of Washington School of Medicine Seattle, Washington, USA
Nobutaka Hirokawa Department of Cell Biology and Anatomy
Graduate School of Medicine University of Tokyo

The entire complex of neuroscience has been divided into 38 subject fields organized and surveyed by associated Field Editors. Entries, which are in alphabetical order for rapid localization, are of three type:(1) simple and relatively brief definitions and explanations (glossary entries), (2) structured “essays” of a few pages to provide coherent treatments of particularly important topics, and (3) synopses written by the Field Editors as larger overviews of their fields with links to the essays in their field. Extensive cross-references to definitions and essays serve to lead the reader to additional sources of information.
As a printable version (5 volumes, more than 4,500 pages)
With 1625 Figures and 90 Tables

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