marți, 28 aprilie 2009

Global HELP
All publications are free to download in pdf format
"After experiencing the tragedy of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, Drs. Lynn & Lana Staheli came to the conclusion that the best way to deal with conflict in the world was to address the underlying causes. While recognizing that the causes of terrorism are complex and multiple, the Stahelis believed the fundamental causes included poverty, despair, and poor health-care. Improving health would lead to a more peaceful world, they concluded, and improving health requires access to health-care information."-about Global HELP

duminică, 26 aprilie 2009

A Primer on Stroke Prevention Treatment

An Overview Based on AHA/ASA Guidelines
1st Edition. Edited by Larry B. Goldstein Professor of Medicine Duke University Medical Center
Durham, North Carolina
2009 American Heart Association
Contents:Treatment of Patients with Acute Ischemic Stroke, Intracerebral Hemorrhage, Subarachnoid Hemorrhage, Surgical and Interventional Treatment for Carotid Disease