joi, 24 decembrie 2009

Microneurosurgery IV B
617 MB scanned pages

7 comentarii:

dontavo spunea...

The first file have 2 errors, so it´s possible that you can fix? thanks

dontavo spunea...

Thanks I fixed, I reloaded, great book

Unknown spunea...

Could you please repost part 3, because it is erased. Thanks in advance

kaisar298 spunea...

hello sir, thank you for the great job. would you please reupload the third part.....thanks again.

kaisar298 spunea...

hello sir, would you please reupload the third part.....thanks again.

Unknown spunea...

Could you please repost part 3? Thank you so much!

Carlos Murillo spunea...

thanks!! excellent work!!.. but the part 3 is erased, so could you repost part 3? thanks in advance