joi, 16 octombrie 2008

Microneurosurgery Yasargil vol IIIB

AVM of the Brain, Clinical Considerations, General and Special Operative Techniques,Surgical Results, Nonoperated Cases, Cavernous and Venous Angiomas, Neuroanesthesia
M. G.Yasargil
Collaborators:M. Curcic, M. Kis, P. J.Teddy, A.Valavanis
242 partly colored Figures
in 1221 Illustrations, 191 Tables

5 comentarii:

Sr.perro spunea...

thanks for this wonderful books!
could you upload VOL IVA and IVB??
I would be very grateful!!.. thankss

dontavo spunea...

there´s some trouble with the file, acrobat can´t open, because has some error, please, would you can fixed?

dontavo spunea...

I fixed, I reloaded, thanks a lot!!!

Unknown spunea...

Thank you, great work, please go ahed with this work

brunosc spunea...

broken link, can you reload a new link?