luni, 26 decembrie 2011


Diferenta intre neurochirurg si dumnezeu este ca dumnezeu nu se crede neurochirurg.

miercuri, 14 decembrie 2011

SA SE DESCHIDA PORTILE INFERNULUI PENTRU INTREAGA EUROPA Rosia Montana Cyanide open-pit in the heart of Carpathian garden

Thus we open the gates of hell for Europe. All consideration for anyone who uses Rosia Montana

duminică, 16 octombrie 2011

Maria Tanase - Lume, lume (1969)


Regresam... Of, ce dor, ce chin, ce jale

Starea natiunii 2011,ce-am fost si ce-am ajuns...

Niste romani fericiti la postul pentru prostit

SPINE 2010

This Fourth Edition of AAOS Atlas of Orthoses and Assistive Devices continues the tradition of its predecessors by providing an up-to-date overview of the clinical application of contemporary

Balloon Kyphoplasty

Spine : core knowledge in orthopaedics / [edited by] Alexander R.Vaccaro

Imaging of Vertebral Trauma (Third Edition)
Richard H. Daffner
Interventional Spine An Algorithmic Approach
Preface ''Since the science of medical rehabilitation and interventional spine care is evolving, it is no surprise that spine practitioners may have different views regarding which tests to request, the order of diagnostic and treatment interventions and which therapeutic alternatives are
best. However, within that expected and reasonable diversity of opinion a central belief should be conveyed to the reader. Patients deserve the least aggressive care feasible, but the alternatives must be chosen by the individual spine practitioners’ interpretation of the
literature and their clinical experience."

iSpine : evidence-based interventional spine care [edited by] Michael J. DePalma

Spine surgery: techniques, complication avoidance, and management / [edited by] Edward
C. Benzel.– 2nd ed.
Surgical anatomy and techniques to the spine / Daniel H. Kim
Tumors of the spine / Daniel H. Kim

luni, 26 septembrie 2011

Shamania salveaza Romania

"Healing Arts Network Australia Belgium Canada England India Latvia Malaysia Northern Ireland Romania Saudi Arabia Sweden
1.Liviu Nuteanu Aleea Lunca Bradului 2 bl. H5 (neurosurgeon)
I perform Bionergetic treatments by photo (could be sent by e-mail).Please send me a request for any disease and I will reply what I am expecting to obtain with my bioenergetic treatment. Examples of diseases with efficient bioenergetic treatment:Cancer, Multiple sclerosis Respiratory diseases: asthma, brochitis, pleuritis, pneumonia, sinusitis.
Protocol of Bioenergy treatment by photo :
- Please send me by E-mail in a separate attachement a photo with the patient.
- I will action with Bioenergy on the photo.
- There are no secondary effects with my treatment.
- If before starting the treatment the patient wants more data about it, I will reply quickly.
- I will announce you after every procedure the day and hour of the next procedure.
- One procedure take about 10 min...
Cerebral tumour cells damaged by emission of bioenergy Author :
Summary: In two experiences the destruction with bioenergy of cerebral malignant tumoral cells (oligodendroglioma and glioblastoma), every one on 24 probes in different dilutions, with witness lot, was successful in vitro... The results were put in evidence with vital coloration, at approximately 10 minutes to the intraoperatory prelevation.
Case report. The female patient B.M., 22 years old was operated 2 years ago for a breast cancer (adenocarcinoma) and was now admitted for spastic paraparesis and hiperestezia, with the level T6-T7 and pain at the toracal spine. This symptomathology progressed in one month. The x-ray spine showed us T5 fracture with modyfied bone structure. She received surgery and an alloplasty T5-T6 with autompoliemrizable cement was performed. The operation, was completely succesful and the sspinal cord was liberated. But, at 12 days postoperatory, the patient was still paraplegic. A bioenergetic procedure was performed and after some hours she start to move her left foot. At the 6 months follow-up, she walk almost normal and come back to work.
2. Radu Balanean REIKI ASSOCIATION FROM ROMANIA Tineretului No. 2 Tg-Mures
Reiki Teacher Master, Certified by International Reiki Center U.S.A & The International Center for Reiki Traning USUI SHIKI RYOHO REIKI,KARUNA REIKI, USUI TIBETAN REIKI, TIBETAN REIKI
Priests in the Order of Melchizedek.... "

2/4. "Traian D. Stanciulescu, “Biophotonic Resonator”, a connecting matrix. From Exogenous Homeopathy to bio-psychic health fundamentals (I), in: Homeopathy 4 Everyone, January 2011.
Dr. Liviu Nuteanu is also recognized for his special ability to act in a non-entropic sense on physical, natural phenomena, such hurricanes, which are brought by him to the stage of ordinary thunderstorms. Here is only one of the exceptional abilities of the human being, which the formers used in “magic” (experiential) manner, but which the actual science still ignores and ridicules. "
3/4. Adrian Pop "Sent: Wednesday, October 06, 2010 6:36 AM
To: Clinton Foundation ENews; Clinton Foundation Contact
Subject: Be a part of the Clinton Global Initiative - Tuesday, October 05
Congratulations for the initiatives which you have, and especially for your achievements. Any person with common sense can help you directly or indirectly participating in your meetings. All young people from On-line School Zalmoxa are directly interested for communications between us. We will propose that in the next 10 years to appear in Romania first powerful businessmen, first billionaires serious, aware of their actions. Then, this concepts will be extrapolated outside of the country, when their results, in the physical plane, prove their capability. We believe in honest work and her important consequences. We try to scientifically study of these things and we are totally convinced that money obtained by through honest work (complying with all applicable laws and especially those of common sense) are intrinsically tied to happiness and to human health. "
PE ROMANESTE Scoala de afaceri online ZALMOXA - Discutii :
"...In cazul cand Domnul Presedinte Bill Clinton solicita sprijinul echipei noastre de cercetatori Romani , cu cea mai mare responsabilitate si profesionalism i-l acordam.Relizarile noastre stiintifice in ceea ce priveste tratarea unor boli grave, ne indreptatesc sa vi le aducem la cunostinta, in dorinta de a va ajuta.
...Acum o luna cu niste tineri am mers sa vedem o zona de la Breasta, in locul recomandat de Parintele Balasa de la Dragasani.Parintele cu ceva ani buni in urma mi-a trimis o scrisoare in care spunea ca acum cca 80 de ani, la indrumarea academicianului Nicolae Plopsor, a descoperit niste inscriptii scrise in slavona pe zidurile gasite in acel loc. A luat o parte din acele ziduri cu acele inscriptii si le-a dus la Muzeul de Istorie Asta dupa ce le-a tradus. Mi-a povestit, inainte de a-mi trimite scrisoarea, ca era mentionat in limba slavona ca acela a fost locul primei Universitati de pe Terra, Universitatea Zamoxiana...
...Codexul Rohonczi ...O carte veche de 1.000 de ani, păstrată la Budapesta, răstoarnă toate teoriile istorice despre cultura strămoşilor noştri. Dacii scriau de la dreapta la stânga, iar citirea se făcea de jos în sus.De la daci nu au rămas izvoare scrise. Prea puţine se ştiau despre locuitorii zonei carpato-dunărene, după retragerea romanilor. O carte veche de aproape 1.000 de ani, păstrată la Budapesta, răstoarnă teoriile istoricilor. Manuscrisul cuprinde primele documente scrise în această perioadă istorică.A fost scrisă cu caractere dacice, de la dreapta la stânga, şi se citeşte de jos în sus. Vorbeşte despre despre vlahi şi regatul lor. Mulţi au încercat să descifreze Codexul Rohonczi, dar n-au putut. Arheologul Viorica Enachiuc a tradus, în premieră, filele misteriosului manuscris... "

"Realizarile Scolii de afaceri online Zalmoxa ! Realizarile certe de pana acum ale Scolii de afaceri online Zalmoxa, sunt :
1. Cursantii Scolii de afaceri on-line Zalmoxa
2. Stefan Enciu are 6 stupi. A extras zilele trecute 27 kg de Miere pe care o sa le vanda( a vandut o parte din Mierea produsa ), in ideea de a strange bani necesari infintarii firmei - Mierea Mosului - si pentru a-si extinde afacerea. In vacanta de vara castiga in jur de 2.000 Ron/luna, muncind in constructii.
3. Ionut Banu a ajuns sa aiba un venit de 2.000 $ lunar, din cursurile de pian pe care le facea cu tineri si din contractul pe care-l avea cu patronul unui restaurant si la care canta cateva ore pe zi. In acest moment o s-o ia de la capat, pentru ca a pierdut totul din cauza neglijentei.
4. Suntem pe punctul de-a infiinta Asociatia Zalmoxa S1+1. "

De observat ca No3/4 mentioneaza des No1, ar vrea sa-i construiasca chiar si o clinica aici in Banie, INSA dr Nuteanu nu participa activ la discutiile din forumul Calea lui Zamolxa, probabil are treaba sa stea cite 10 minute cu gindul la pozele primite si ajunge si la 25 ore de vindecare pe zi pentru oamenii din toata lumea, poate chiar din China. De la noi pleaca romanii pentru celule stem in China cheltuind multi bani cu niste rezultate discutabile , pentru chinezi este suficient sa trimita poza si se vindeca... DE ACEEA TOT CHINEZII VOR AVEA INTELEPCIUNEA SI PUTEREA PINA LA SFIRSIT SI APOI VA VENI SI SFIRSITUL...
De retinut si informatia ca la un moment dat numarul rezumatelor trimise pentru cea de-a 30 Conferinta Nationala de Neurochirurgie era mic.
CONCLUZII : Tara noastra este o tara mica cu oameni si mai mici. Zona de influenta shamanica este mare. E RAU PAMANTUL CA NE RABDA PE TOTI. SE VA REZOLVA CUMVA.

miercuri, 31 august 2011

Cerebral Angiography: Normal Anatomy and Vascular Pathology by G. B. Bradac (Sep 28, 2011)

New insights into functional mapping in cerebral tumor surgery

by Hugues Duffau
1. Brain Mapping. 2. Brain Neoplasms--surgery. 3. Brain Neoplasms physiopathology.
4. Postoperative Complications--prevention & control


Basics and Clinical Applications
Within the past two decades, functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) has developed tremendously,from initial descriptions of changes in blood oxygenation that can be mapped with MRI (Ogawa) using T2*-weighted images to very basic investigations performing studies of the visual and motor cortex.
Mapping the primary motor cortex in patients with rolandic brain tumors has been the first clinical application of fMRI (Jack et al 1994)...

Functional magnetic resonance imaging

Scott A. Huettel,Allen W. Song, Gregory McCarthy.—1st ed.

A Compendium of Neuropsychological Tests

An atlas of back pain

by Scott Haldeman,William H. Kirkaldy-Willis

Complications of Pediatric and Adult Spinal Surgery

by: Alexander R. Vaccaro, John J. Regan, Alvin H. Crawford, Edward C. Benzel, David Greg Anderson

Gliomas (Recent Results in Cancer Research, Vol. 171)

Nervous System (Cambridge Illustrated Surgical Pathology)


Surgery of Disorders of the Hand and Upper Extremity Series

Tendon, Nerve and Other Disorders
by Raoul Tubiana MD FRCS(Ed)Hon

Transsphenoidal surgery / [edited by] Edward R. Laws, Giuseppe Lanzino

marți, 23 august 2011

Tine minte ca sa nu obtii ceea ce vrei este adeseori un noroc incredibil.
Dalai Lama

duminică, 24 iulie 2011

Color Atlas of Otoscopy

From Diagnosis to Surgery
by Mario Sanna,Alessandra Russo, Giuseppe De Donato
1. Ear Diseases-diagnosis atlases. 2. Otoscopes. 3.Ear Diseases-surgery atlases

Glasscock & Shambaugh’s Surgery of the Ear
Atlas of Clinical and Surgical Orbital Anatomy, 2nd Edition
Radiology of the Orbit and Visual Pathways
By Jonathan J. Dutton, MD, PhD

Putterman's Cosmetic Oculoplastic Surgery, 4th ed.
The fourth edition of Putterman's Cosmetic Oculoplastic Surgery, edited by Dr Steven Fagien, represents a comprehensive analysis of not only periorbital surgical techniques, but also emphasizes the aesthetic precision required to obtain consistent results with these procedures.

The Asymmetrical Brain

edited by Kenneth Hugdahl and Richard J.Davidson

The Growing Spine

The Growing Spine- Management of Spinal Disorders in Young Children
by Behrooz Akbarnia, MD, Muharrem Yazici, MD, and George Thompson, MD

Non-Idiopathic Spine Deformities in Young Children
Editor:Muharrem Yazici, MD

miercuri, 20 iulie 2011

joi, 30 iunie 2011

marți, 28 iunie 2011

Neonatal Cranial Ultrasonography

Guidelines for the Procedure and Atlas of Normal Ultrasound Anatomy
by Gerda van Wezel-Meijler

Carotid endarterectomy : principles and technique / by Christopher M. Loftus.--2nd ed.


Encyclopedia of Medical Devices and Instrumentation

6 Volume Set, 2nd Edition
april 2006
The articles in The Encyclopedia of Medical Devices and Instrumentation focus on what is currently useful or is likely to be useful in future medicine. They answer the question, "What are the branches of medicine and how does technology assist each of them?" Articles focus on the practice of medicine that is assisted by devices, rather than including, for example, the use of drugs to treat disease.

Color Atlas of Temporomandibular Joint Surgery

by Peter D. Quinn

Atlas of Neurosurgical Techniques: Brain

Laligam Sekhar (Editor), Richard Fessler (Editor)
djvu file

Temporal bone surgical dissection manual

Publisher: House Ear Institute (1982)
Ralph A Nelson (Author)

Multidetector CT in Neuroimaging - An Atlas and Practical Guide

The contents of this book are intended to show what can be achieved with MDCT in current neuroimaging.

Learning Pediatric Imaging: 100 Essential Cases

Tumoral and Non-tumoral Neurology, Thorax, Tumoral Abdomen and Non-tumoral Abdomen, Genitourinary, Musculoskeletal, Fetal (pediatric radiology)

Medical Radiology · Diagnostic Imaging and Radiation Oncology

Spinal Imaging Diagnostic Imaging of the Spine and Spinal Cord


duminică, 12 iunie 2011

Spine Trauma

Surgical Techniques


Meningiomas: a comprehensive text/[edited by]
M. Necmettin Pamir, Peter Black, Rudolf Fahlbusch
ISBN: 978-1-4160-5654-6

duminică, 5 iunie 2011

Advances and Technical Standards in Neurosurgery vol 36



S.K. Ray (ed.), Glioblastoma: Molecular Mechanisms of Pathogenesis and
Current Therapeutic Strategies

duminică, 27 februarie 2011

sâmbătă, 1 ianuarie 2011

Thanks to cocolino112233.

Aleksey Igudesman si Richard Hyung-Ki Joo v-au invitat la concertul “A Little Nightmare Music“, pe 21 decembrie 2010 in Bucuresti, la Ateneul Roman.
Daca l-ati chierdut se poate recupera de aici, preluat de la fratii nostri.






